Welcome to my studio!

This is my Cambridge Massachusetts studio where all the work happens. I'm often fascinated by artists studios because they always seem so interesting. They have a billion different colors and an array of cool looking tools.
I hope you find this interesting and it gives you a window into my creation process. Please feel free to browse through my site and generally poke around.
If you do see something you'd like to purchase please allow ample time for packaging originals. It can at times take up to a week depending on how backed up I am. If I am away I will have this information displayed on my site.
I use PayPal business for all orders and NEVER see your credit card information. I do not sell any of your contact or shipping information either. When you go to checkout you can choose to use your credit card OR your PayPal account if you have one. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO USE THIS SERVICE. All billing is through Art By Lil on Paypal. You will see this on the receipt you receive by email. Any taxes due will be reflected in the cart.
Here's the story...
From the time I can remember I got great comfort from working with my hands.
I would spend hours and hours romping through the woods where I grew up looking for hidden treasures that I could do stuff with. As a teen I found drawing to be a wonderful outlet for a very difficult childhood. As an adult I found painting to be a release for joy that I had never really known as a child. And besides which it is so much fun! I simply can't stop myself. The very feel and smell of the paint is irresistible. Can you still remember the smell of Crayola crayons? If you can it might be time to start coloring again!
I am primarily self taught but took two very helpful courses at a local school through their continuing education division. My teacher Kathy Hebert has her own site and I encourage you to browse through her masterpieces at:
I have also taken open studio sessions with artist Alexandra Rozenman in her ArtSchool99Somerville studio.
And finally I have had the great honor to join the Art Foundations class through GodLovesArt run by Jessie Nilo. There are so many groups through the Emerge group included with emerge membership throught the God Loves Art Site.
Thank you for visiting my sight. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at anytime. Be sure to visit my plein Air and small studio supply site: http://www.lillysart.com